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Doctor of Occupational Therapy Faculty Development Guide


This inaugural faculty development map was developed for the Lincoln Memorial University DeBusk College of Osteopathic Medicine’s (LMU-DCOM) Doctor of Occupational Therapy (OTD) Program. The identified faculty development needs are assimilated with data collected directly from the Program Director, feedback from previous faculty development sessions, and from the faculty needs assessment survey (Appendix 1).

The OTD faculty is comprised of renowned academicians and occupational therapists, recognized both nationally and internationally for their work as professors, clinicians, and leaders. The program is committed to providing OTD students the best graduate experience possible (LMU-DCOM OTD webpage). To that end, LMU-DCOM is committed to providing OTD faculty development in a sustainable and stimulating academic environment where faculty thrive as professors, scholars, leaders, and colleagues.

The LMU-DCOM OTD faculty development map is organized into five learning tracks mapped to development sources.

  1. Program Development/Support
  2. Classroom Strategies
  3. Supporting Students
  4. Research
  5. Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion

It is important to keep the faculty development map updated each academic year to see progress, celebrate success, and adjust where further development needs arise.

Faculty/Staff Support Sessions


Continue DEI 3rd Monday Moments; monthly every 3rd Monday thru April 15th.

January 1:

Virtual QPR Suicide Prevention Training.

January 8th: 

LMU - DCOM Faculty and Staff Wellness Support Session: Are You Prepared for a Medical Trauma or Emergency

January 29th:

Using Sitero Mentor to Submit IRB Protocol Applications.

February 27th:

Adult Learning Theories: How Theory Applies to Medical Education

April 1st:

Annual Professionalism Virtual Session

April 30th:

OPP Integration for Item Writing

Faculty Development Map

The LMU-DCOM OTD Faculty Development Map for Classroom Strategies is designed to suggest resources/processes for classroom strategy development/enrichment skills. Click on the links for suggested development:

Create Successful Group Assignments (When to Use Group Learning Versus Individual Assignments):
Application of Learned Content:
Creative Ways to Flip a Classroom:

Examples/Resources Osmosis, Kahn Academy Health and Medicine, and YouTube can be used by learners to view educational videos before a class session. 

The LMU-DCOM OTD Map for Research Development is designed to suggest resources/processes for research design/enrichment skills. The general inquiry research email address is ( The current IRB chair is Dr. Lori McGrewand Dr. McGrew also serves as the Director of Research at LMU-DCOM (Harrogate) along with Dr. Natalie Freeman (Knoxville).  Additionally, Dr. Clarence Colle is the Senior Associate Dean of Research. Any of these individuals are a resource for individualized training or any information needed beyond the below resources. More information including links to relevant forms and student research policies and procedures, see the LMU-DCOM Research Strategic Plan. Click on the links for suggested development.

Current IRB Administration LMU-DCOM Mediasite Videos:

LMU-DCOM Mediasite Videos: (the following videos were produced under the prior IRB Chair processes. Of note, some of the paperwork and procedure for IRB are different, but the principles are the same.)

The LMU-DCOM OTD Faculty Development Map for Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) is designed to suggest resources/processes for DEI development/enrichment skills. LMU-DCOM recognizes that fostering diversity among its students, faculty, staff, and administration is essential to prepare outstanding health professionals and educators. Only by reflecting, embracing, and nurturing the varied traits, values, and interests of the people across Appalachia and beyond can LMU-DCOM effectively train physicians to provide quality and compassionate health care for all. Dr. Beverly Hamilton is the LMU-DCOM Assistant Dean of Diversity, Equity, & Inclusion. Click on the links for suggested development.

Other Diversity Resource Links:


The preceding LMU-COM Faculty Development Map for the Doctor of Occupational Therapy program has been assimilated to meet a need for diverse development needs and is not exhaustive of the curricula and resources available per topic. All resource citations are linked within the content. The LMU-DCOM Faculty Development webpage can be visited for a schedule of upcoming faculty development sessions and lists other faculty development resources.

Many clinical faculty take education courses within LMU to meet/develop pedagogical and andragogical skills.

Key Recommendation: Choose three or four high-yield urgent faculty development needs for Ms. Turner (LMU-DCOM Assistant Director of Assessment and Faculty Development) to facilitate this semester if content within the map needs to be extended/emphasized.

Distribution of Materials to Faculty: This map is not intended to be handed to the faculty for fully self-directed learning. For development to be meaningful and prevent information overload, topics should be individually assimilated to specific faculty needing development in those areas.

Time Frame for Distribution: Director or spokesperson can decide the faculty development map skills distribution time frame. Director or spokesperson will coordinate with Ms. Turner for high-yield development needs for Spring 2023 and schedule appropriate time and date. Other development can be planned for Summer and Fall 2023 as needed.