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Using a multiple-choice and short-answer format, this book contains questions and answers regarding a variety of issues covered in family law. The focus is not on the law of a particular jurisdiction but, instead, on the laws of various jurisdictions. Because there is a great deal of overlap with respect to how states approach the resolution of many of the issues that arise in the domestic relations context, this book offers an overview of how various issues are treated across the states. That said, however, the explanations include some of the differing approaches used by the states reflecting differing priorities and emphases. This book is intended to help students hone test-taking skills as well as clarify a variety of issues that arise in family law.
Understanding Family Law includes comprehensive coverage of topics such as traditional and nontraditional families, nonmarital and postmarital contracts, annulment, paternity and legitimacy, procreation rights, contraception, abortion, sterilization, artificially assisted conception, and adoption and termination of parental rights.
This Understanding treatise discusses the various bodies of law in relation to a fundamental issue permeating the entire field of juvenile law: the extent to which the law should protect young people rather than recognize them as autonomous persons. Understanding Juvenile Law begins with a general discussion of the nature of the rights of juveniles and the perception that young people constitute a unique class under the law. The Fifth Edition of the treatise adds new material dealing with problems of child abuse and neglect outside the family. Liability of religious and educational organizations is addressed, including statutes of limitations issues. The educational organization material includes discussion of rights of students to be free from harassment and bullying.
Richards on Tennessee Family Law, Third Edition offers a wide variety of tools for use in everyday family law practice using case law, statutes, forms, and expert guidance. Convenient and portable, the one-volume reference guide includes extensive coverage of various topical areas of domestic relations in Tennessee. In addition to entire chapters devoted to topical areas ranging from breach of a promise to marry to bankruptcy, Richards includes two complete forms appendices. This eBook features links to Lexis Advance for further legal research options.
Issued by the Tennessee Commission on Children and Youth, this latest edition of Tennessee Compilation of Selected Laws on Children, Youth and Families provides fingertip access to the children, youth and family laws and related statutes you use most in your family law practice or as a social services professional. This softcover volume is updated annually so you can rely on it for the most current law available and is organized intuitively to give you unparalleled ease of use and supercharge your legal research.