Founded in 2009, the Duncan School of Law Library is designed to be a "library without walls." While the collection is primarily digital, the library itself is integrated throughout the building.
Tour guide: Gordon Russell, Associate Dean, Professor of Law, and Director of the Law Library
With a collection of over 450,000 volumes and its status as a government depository library, the UT Law Library is the largest public law library in the state of Tennessee.
Tour guide: Sibyl Marshall, Associate Professor and Head of Public Services
At 4:15 p.m. on Thursday, April 3, a city trolley will be waiting in front of the Crowne Plaza Hotel to take interested attendees one mile west for a tour of the University of Tennessee's Joel A. Katz Law Library.
Around 5 p.m., the trolley will take attendees back downtown, where it will stop at the Lincoln Memorial University's Duncan School of Law for a tour of its facilities.
If you only have time to visit UT and not LMU, then you have the option of walking from LMU to the Crown Plaza (a block away on the same street) after the UT tour.
If you only have time to visit LMU and not UT, then please meet in the lobby of the Crowne Plaza Hotel at 5 p.m. and you will be escorted the one block to LMU as a group. Or, if you like, you can meet the LMU tour guide at LMU.
This is a great opportunity to see two very different library models in action.
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