This page provides access to essential databases for Veterinary Health Sciences & Technology, supporting research, clinical practice, and academic studies with comprehensive resources.
"Peer-reviewed" journals require expert review before publication, ensuring higher scholarly and methodological standards. In contrast, magazines, trade journals, and newspapers are typically non-peer-reviewed, with content reviewed only by editors or non-experts, lacking the rigorous evaluation of peer review.
Evidence-based practice uses the best available research, clinical expertise, and patient values to make informed decisions and improve outcomes in healthcare and other fields.
The mission of JAVMA is to advance the practice of veterinary medicine through publishing exemplary curated and peer reviewed clinically relevant articles in accessible formats.
Case Reports in Veterinary Medicine is an open access journal that publishes case reports and case series in all areas of veterinary medicine.
An International Journal reporting on Methodological and Applied Research in Veterinary Epidemiology, Animal Disease Prevention & Control and Animal Health Economics, and on the contributions of Veterinary Epidemiology to One Health, including Environmental Health