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Art History: Articles & Databases

Dive into the rich history of art across cultures and time periods. Explore primary sources, scholarly works, and visual materials that trace the evolution of artistic movements and the impact of art on society.

Articles & Databases

Access a comprehensive collection of databases and scholarly articles related to Art. These resources provide peer-reviewed journals, articles, and other academic content to support your research needs. Use the search functions to find specific topics, or explore the databases to stay up-to-date with the latest developments in Art, Art History, Art Criticism, and more.



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Locating Peer Reviewed Articles

"Peer-reviewed" journals require expert review before publication, ensuring higher scholarly and methodological standards. In contrast, magazines, trade journals, and newspapers are typically non-peer-reviewed, with content reviewed only by editors or non-experts, lacking the rigorous evaluation of peer review.

Popular Vs. Scholarly Articles

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