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Art History: Home

Dive into the rich history of art across cultures and time periods. Explore primary sources, scholarly works, and visual materials that trace the evolution of artistic movements and the impact of art on society.

Art History

This guide is designed to help you navigate the resources available for Art History and provide an extensive overview of both the Western and Eastern Art Movements. Whether you are looking for books, articles, databases, or other materials, you'll find a wealth of information to support your research and studies. Explore the tabs above to get started, and don't hesitate to reach out to our library staff for assistance.

Art history guide image. Woman seen from bedhind as she view three portrait paintings on a gallery wall.

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Guide Author

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Molly Cross
421 Park 40 North Blvd., Knoxville, TN 37923

LMU Art Research Guides

Art Terms

Art History Videos

A Brief History of Art Movements | Behind the Masterpiece

How ancient art influenced modern art - Felipe Galindo | TED-ed

Why We Study Art: Crash Course Art History #1