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Osteopathic Medicine: Books

Library Resource Guide for Osteopathic Medicine

Find Books

Osteopathic Medicine: Searching for Books

Here you will find directions on searching for books in the library. Our most current books are organized by subject and the textbooks are organized by year (OMS1 and OMS2).  You may use the dropdown box in the Find Books tab to navigate to those pages.

If you have any questions about finding books, please contact your medical librarian, Daniel Ferrer (Harrogate campus) or Jacquelynn Stephens (Knoxville campus).

We also welcome book requests. If you would like to suggest a book, please  send an email to one of the medical librarians above.

Searching for Books in the Library

If you want to search the library's catalog for books, click on the link below: 

If you are looking for a specific title, put the title in quotations. For example, "The Basics of Bioethics." 

If you just want to search for books on Bioethics, then type it as a keyword. For example:



When you come to the search results page, you can use the filter on the left side of the screen to limit your search to all books, eBooks, or print books:


Search for eBooks

If you only want to search for eBooks, scroll your mouse over the resources tab, and click on Journals and eBooks. 

Click on the button that says eBooks, type the title in the corresponding text books, and click the drop down box that says Search Type. Choose Match Exact Words.