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Bachelor of Science in Nursing (BSN) Research Guide: Nursing Research

Develop a Topic

Follow your passion: Choose a topic that genuinely interests you and sparks your curiosity.

Brainstorm and organize: Use techniques like mind maps to generate and organize ideas, helping you see connections and potential research directions.

Dive into the research: Read extensively to understand the existing literature and identify gaps or unanswered questions.


Get specific: Narrow down your focus to a specific aspect of the topic to make your research more focused and impactful.

Seek guidance: Consult with professors or advisors to gain valuable insights and refine your research question.

Stay adaptable: Be open to revising and refining your topic as you gain more insights throughout the research process.


Search Effectively

Identify main concepts: Identify key ideas related to your research topic.

Brainstorm synonyms: Generate alternative terms and phrases.

Broaden and narrow terms: Include broader and narrower terms to capture more information.

Account for variations: Consider alternate spellings and word forms.

Use Boolean operators to search databases. Combine or exclude keywords with AND, OR, NOT.

 Jakub T. Jankiewicz, CC BY-SA 4.0 <>, via Wikimedia Commons



Experiment and refine: Test and adjust keywords based on search results.

Learn from relevant sources: Note keywords used in relevant articles or sources.

Include subject-specific vocabulary: Incorporate specialized terms.

Keep a record: Maintain a list for reference and consistency.

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