Title: Student Papers
Collection #: 2016.018
Extent: 5 Hollinger boxes (1.6 linear feet)
Biographical Note:
Series Notes:
Location: C.2.3 - C.3.1
The University Archives & Special Collections of Lincoln Memorial University is located in the Carnegie-Vincent Library, on the 2nd Floor. To schedule a research visit or to make inquiries, please contact Archivist Rachel Motes:
Researchers are advised that the disclosure of certain information pertaining to identifiable living individuals represented in this collection without the consent of those individuals may have legal ramifications (e.g., a cause of action under common law for invasion of privacy may arise if facts concerning an individual's private life are published that would be deemed highly offensive to a reasonable person) for which Lincoln Memorial University assumes no responsibility.
Student papers
Series I: Students
Adkins, J.P.: 1947
Adkins, R.M.: 1917-1918
Akin, Lavnette: n.d.
Alexander, Mary: 1941
Allen, Dale: 1941
Allen, Rolland, R.: 1951
Allen, William: n.d.
Allison, Annie: 1940-1941
Atkinson, Jerry& Joanne: 1951
Austin, Bruce: 1951
Ayers, Joseph B. (World War II Soldier): 1946
Bailey, Dan: 1941
Bailey, John Kermit: 1940-1941
Ball, M.R.: 1931
Bannister, Judith: 1951
Barb, Bobby Joe: 1961
Barnes, Mary Lillian: 1940
Barnhill, Elizabeth: 1941
Beal, Dorothy Ann: 1941
Beatty, James and Mary: 1941
Beasley, Flora: 1951
Beasley, William David: 1951
Beavers, Virginia: 1948
Beeler, Robert E.: 1947
Beeler, Floreine: 1940-1941
Belk, Louise: 1940
Bennett, Helen: 1940-1941
Bess, Nelda: 1940
Best Lindley: 1940-1941
Black, Hilma M: 1961
Blazer, Ruth: 1940
Blosser, Theron: 1941
Boggs, Grace: 1940
Bolton, Milton E:1962
Bowman, Elizabeth: 1940
Bowman, Elizabeth: 1940-1941
Brandenburg, Alma: 1941
Bright, Ona: 1940-1941
Brock, Charlcie:1962
Brooks, Gerald: 1962
Brown-Howard, Anniel: 1940
Broyles, William M. : 1951
Broyles, Willis: 1951
Buchannan, James H.: 1962
Bumgarner, M.F.: 1931
Bunch, James Hill: 1961
Byrd, Myra D.: 1961
Callaway, Ida: 1941
Campbell, Creola May: 1940-1941
Campbell, Gracie Lee: 1951
Cantrell, J. L. : 1951
Cantrell, Reece: 1941
Carr, Nell Vermillian: 1951
Carter, Abe: 1941
Case, Henry: 1940
Case, Ruth: 1940
Cassell, James: 1940
Chambers, Lean June: 1940
Champion, Ruby Jo: 1940
Chance, Max: 1961
Chesnutt, Elizabeth: 1940
Chiaristic, Ernest: 1959
Childress, Carl: 1962
Chitwood, James L.: 1939
Christopher, Linda: 1961
Church, Mae: n.d.
Claiborne, George: 1931
Clark, Douglas: 1961
Clark, R.: 1961
Clawson, Myrl: 1930
Clements, Robert: 1962
Click, Ellen M. :1941
Clinton, Robert: 1940
Coleman, Ruby: 1940-1941
Collins, Avery: 1961
Conkovich, John R.: 1931
Conley, Sara: 1940
Cooley, John: 1962
Cooper, Leonard: 1933
Coppinger, Edward: 1934
Cornett, Buchell: 1940
Cornett, Emil: 1940
Carter, Joyce: 1961
Cox, Danny: 1951
Creech, Billie Jean: 1951
Corss, J.: 1961
Cureton, M.K.: 1931
Dalton, Joe: 1940
Daniels, Thelma I.: 1951
Davis, Ada Katherine: 1940
Davis, Agnes: 1951
Davis, Alvin H.: 1951
Davis, Doris: 1951
Davis Robert: 1940
De Lozier, George: 1931
Dennis, Chester 1940
Dennis, Chester 1941
Pombroski, Walter: 1971
Douglas, Barbara: 1951
Drinnon, Grace: 1940-1941
Dwyer, Catherine: 1941
Dykes, Paul B.: n.d.
Eastridge, Charles Jr.:1940
Edwards, Jewell: 1956
Egan, Clifford: 1963
Elder, James H.: 1941
Elkins, Charles R.: 1956
Ellenberger, Paul: 1931
Elmore, Ailine: 1951
England, Thomas: 1960
Engle, James: 1940
Ensley, Shirley Fay: 1956
Evans, Aurelia: 1940
Fields, Nathan: 1960
Fisher, L.E.: 1940
Fisher, L.E.: 1941
Fleeman, Roy: 1931&1941
Ford, Ralph: 1940
Ford, Vivian: 1941
Fordham, Billy: 1941
Fordham, Dorothy: 1941
Foster, Katherine H.: 1931
Fowler, Curtisteen, 1947
Frazier, I.W.: 1930
French, Hager: 1940
Gandee, Una: 1947
Gardner, Leonard M. : 1941
Gardner, Leonard M. : 1945
Gardner, Leonard M. : 1947
Gardner, Leonard M. : 1948
Gardner, Leonard M. : 1950
Gardner, Leonard M. : 1951
Gardner, Leonard M. : 1955
Garrett, Harold L.: n.d.
German, Inez: 1941
Gilbert, Hubert R. :1960
Gillenwater, A.D.: 1931
Glenn, Arthur: 1931
Goad, Mrs. Henry S.: 1951
Gonzalez, Fidel F.: 1931
Gooley, John: 1961
Gose, Jeanne: n.d.
Gosson, Albert: 1962
Grace, H.E.: 1951
Graves, Chester: 1940
Green, Ashley: 1941
Green, Henry: 1939
Greene, Ben: 1940
Greene, Gerald D.: 1931
Greene, Horace: 1961
Greene, R.L.: 1941
Gregory, Elbert & Herbert: 1941
Gregory, Ruby Lee: 1940
Gunter, Edith: 1940
Guthrie, T.F.: 1940
Hadaway, Richard B: 1940
Hair Louis: 1931
Hale, Denver: 1940, 1941, 1942
Hale, Lena Mae: 1941
Hall Marie: 1941
Hall Norwood: 1940
Hammitt, Bettie: 1960
Hammond, Geniva: n.d.
Hampton, Levis H.: 1941
Hanneman, Terry: 1962
Harber, T.Y.: 1940
Hargraves, Hanna Mae: 1941
Harned, William: 1941
Harrell, Shelby Jean: 1962
Harris, Carl: 1951
Harris, Vernon: 1941
Harrison, W. M. : 1899
Harvey, Helen P.: 1961
Hatfield, Ellen: 1931
Hatmaker, Dorothy: 1941
Heatherly, Von Perry: 1941
Hidden, Clyde: 1940-1941
Henry Alice: 1940-1941
Henry, Eugene: 1940
Hensley, Charlotte:1940
Helper, Lillian: 1940-1941
Herron, H. B.: 1931
Hest, Charles: 1960
Hewitt, Alva: 1940
Hicks, Ray: 1941
Hileman, Woodrow: 1939-1940
Hill, Betty: 1950
Hill, Betty Jo: 1951
Hill Ruth: 1940
Hines, Ben: 1940
Hobbs, S. C. : 1931
Hoe, Walter Jr. : 1940
Hockersmith, Joann: 1961
Holbert, Floye: 1940-1941
Holland, Charles: 1961
Holland, Ruby Kate: 1941
Horne, Ava Holmes: 1939, 1941
Horne, Burlene: 1941
Houston, Paris: 1942, 1943, 1948, 1950, 1952, 1958, 1959, 1960, 1963, 1966, 1968, 1970, 1972
Houston, Paris: n.d.
Hubbard, Judy: 1962
Hudson, Lloyd H. : 1940
Hudson, Mary Lee: 1940
Huff, Clarence L: 1941
Humphrey, Taylor: 1939
Hurst, R.N.: 1941
Huskey, Sherrill: 1947
Hutson: 1940
Irwin, Martha: 1941
Ivey, J.B.: 1940s
Ivey, John A: 1941
Jacox, Doris: 1947
Jeffers, Louise: 1940
Jenkins, Doyle: 1941
Jennings, Robert: 1947
Jessee, Donald: 1941
Johns, Malcon: 1940-1941
Johns, Willard Joe: 1941
Johnson, Bob: 1940
Johnson, Dennis: 1961
Johnson, Norma Fay: 1961
Johnson, Guy B.: 1931
Johnson, Hubert R. : 1940
Johnson, Jeanne: 1941
Johnson, Milum D.: 1940-1941
Jones, Ada: 1941
Jones, E.C.: 1931
Jones, Georgia: 1940
Jones, Lorraine: 1962
Jones, Mildred: 1941
Jones, Thomas: 1961
Jordan, N.C.: 1930-1931
Kaiser, Jorgette: 1962
La Rue, H. A. : 1931
Leach, Earl W: 1947
Lockard, Lando: 1956
Lowe, Faye: 1959
Lowe, James H: 1948
Lowe, Mary: 1951
Lynch, Lowell B: 1961
Lyerly, Esther Harris: 1931
Lyon, Sandra: 1962
Mackwell, Elizabeth: 1962
Magan, Mary: 1962
Marino, Arsenio: 1947
Matlock, Mavrine: 1957
Maxley, Willard: 1899
McConnell, Robert A.: 1962
Merrell, Willonell: 1961
Metz, Elaine: 1971
Mills, Elean: 1959
Milhous, J.E.: 1931
Miller, James M: 1931
Miller, W.H.: 1910
Moffitt, Maudine Knuckles: 1951
Monroe, H.L.: 1931
Moore, Grace: n.d.
Morgalis, Jean: 1941
Morgan, Barbara Jo Ann: 1962
Mullins, Cora: 1961
Myers, George K.: 1947
Myers, Marie: 1940
Nelson, Christine: 1951
Nicholson, J.M.: 1931
Nunn, Marie: 1960
O’Neill, Hugh R.: 1931
Owens, Charles E.: 1961
Pangle, Dennie: 1962
Parker, Donald: 1961
Payne, John: 1961
Paul G. Hurst: 1964, 1966, 1967, 1968, 1969, 1970, 1971, n.d.
Pearson, Warren: 1961
Pickett, Reba: 1951
Piper, Grace & Howard: 1930
Powers, O.B.: 1931
Powers, W. Farley: 1961, 1962, 1963, 1964, 1965, 1966, n.d.
Ramsey, Earl C. : 1931
Ramsey, Hugh: 1959
Ramsey, Julia: 1931
Ray, A.D.:1916
Ray, James F: 1962
Reed, E.: 1961
Rice, Emerine: 1947
Riddle, Glen: 1961-1962
Riley, John M. :1931
Rivers, Earl F.: 1951
Robards, Thomas E.: 1961
Robbins, W.T.: 1918
Roberts, Ibbey: 1961
Robinette, Betty Zane: 1951
Robinette, Oren: 1931
Rogers, Aileen: 1937-1940
Schellhase, David: 1964
Scott, Luluc: 1930
Seabolt, Garnett Gray:
Short, Harold: 1962
Smith, Walter: 1962
Smith, Robert: 1961
Sharp, Robert C.: 1948
Sharp, Thomas A.: 1931
Sharpe, Maynard: 1931
Shupe, Hattle: 1941
Smith, Bertha: 1931
Smith, Oscar: 1931
Smith, Paul E. Jr.: 1948
Spangler, Oscar R.: 1931
Stallard, Bernard. B: 1945
Steele, Earl: 1930
Steiner, Floy E: 1931
Stocker, Ronald: 1956
Stoddal, Ralph E: 1959
Stuart, Glennis Juanita: 1940
Stuart, Glennis: 1948
Surber, Lowell: 1931
Sweet, James: 1962
Sweeney, Floyd: 1931
Taylor, Martha: 1962
Teague, Mary Ollie: 1940
Thompson, W.C.: 1940
Tudor, Ann: 1962
Unthank, Glenn: 1961
Van Deventer, Tom W.: 1951
Veach, Larry: 1961
Vires, Peter: 1961
Waddell, J. Howard: 1931
Walker, Jacob: 1962
Wallen, Elmer: 1930
Warthen, Mrs. D.R.: 1940
Warren, Glenn: 1931
Webb, Carl Delbert: 1963
Wells, Clande A.: 1931
West, Charles: 1962
West, Mary Ellen: 1961
Williams, Felton: n.d.
Williams, H.L.: 1959
Wilson, Dorothy: 1940
Wilson, Linda: 1962
Winters, Kenneth: 1962
Wiseman, Bobbie: 1947
Wright, Norton: 1961
Youell, John: 1961
Series II: Administrative
Work Contracts: 1901
Student Application Letter: 1920s
Industrial Department Student List: 1930s
Middlesboro Women’s Club: 1951
Student Janitor List: 1951-1952
Graduates by Majors: 1953-1958
Freshman Orientation Program Fall Quarter: 1957-1958
Regulations and Information for Women Students: Fall 1958
Comparison of 1959 Freshmen
Juniors: 1959
Seniors: 1959
University Calendar: 1959-1960
Majors 1960 Seniors
Grades Analysis Fall Quarter 1961
Juniors Fall Quarter: 1961
Seniors Fall Quarter: 1961
Student Handbook: 1961-1962
Administrative Staff: 1961-1962
Regulations: 1961-1962
Fall Quarter Enrollment Figures: 1962
All-School Dances of 1962
Constitution of the L.P. Hall Government
Books by former LMU Students
Excuse lists for Class absences
Juniors & Seniors: n.d.
Some of my Recollections: n.d.
[Identification of Item], Student Papers, Archives and Special Collections, Lincoln Memorial University, TN, USA.
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