Title: Faculty Papers
Collection #: 2016.050
Extent: 8 Hollinger boxes (3.2 linear feet)
Biographical Note:
Series Notes:
Location: C.2.5.1 - C.2.6.2
The Archives and Special Collections of Lincoln Memorial University are located in the Carnegie-Vincent Library, on the 1st Floor. Please schedule an appointment to view archival materials. To schedule an appointment please contact the University Archivist.
Researchers are advised that the disclosure of certain information pertaining to identifiable living individuals represented in this collection without the consent of those individuals may have legal ramifications (e.g., a cause of action under common law for invasion of privacy may arise if facts concerning an individual's private life are published that would be deemed highly offensive to a reasonable person) for which Lincoln Memorial University assumes no responsibility.
Box 1:
Adams, Jesse: 1928
Albright, W.F.: 1927
Allen, Turner: 1947-1956
Allen, Warren K.: 1947
Atchley, Mell H.:1956
Ausmus, David: 1907
Bailey, Dean C.: 1958-1960
Bailey, John Kermit: 1959
Baldwin, James W.: 1942-1957
Barber, Hervey Hubbard: 1953-1956
Barrell, E.P.: 1928
Bewley, Irene: 1927
Bible, Lillian: 1927
Blanchard, Belle M.: 1899
Bourne, Lucy: 1927
Bowling, Floyd E.: 1947-1959
Bowling, Jack: 1951-1952
Bowman, C.R.: 1901
Bowman, Sara: 1927
Bramlette, A.L.: 1928
Brooks, Florence, M.: 1927
Browning, C.A.: 1927
Buffum, Vryling: 1944
Bush, Clarence: 1955
Bush-Brown, Henry K., Correspondence: 1930
Bush-Brown, Henry K., Pamphlets: 1930
Bush-Brown, Henry K., Clippings: 1930
Bush-Brown, Henry K., Photographs: 1930
Bush-Brown, Henry K., Teaching Materials: 1930
Box 2:
Callahan, Cassville M.: 1950-1951
Cambiaire, C.P.: 1931
Cameron, Ms: 1945
Campbell, C.R.: 1927
Campbell, Mrs. W.W.: 1949
Cannon, R.W.: 1927
Carey, Edwin: 1950
Carter, J.T.: 1926-1927
Catton, William B.: 1956
Chapman, Lowell H.: 1948-1960
Clark, Amelia: 1947
Clark, John B.: 1946-1956
Clinton, Linda: 1928
Condit, Katherine: 1899
Cook, B.N.: 1927
Cooley, John A.: 1958
Cooper, John H.: 1951
Council, Anna M.: 1898
Covert, Alvin: 1927
Cowgill, Martha: 1910
Cox, Grady: 1947
Crosby, Marie: 1899
Danforth, Lucia E.: 1936
Davis, Carolyn: 1927
Davis, Ella Mildred: 1910
Davis, Kathryn: 1927
Dawson, C.C.: 1955
Day, Winnier: 1947
de Jonge, Alfred R. W.: 1930
Dickenson, Henry F.: 1958-1960
Dinen, Harriet: 1927
Dooley, Thomas S.: 1956
Dowd, Marie B.: 1927
Drenan, James W.: 1955
Dunn, Sarah Allie: 1899
Eason, Thomas D.: 1908-1909
Edds, Jess H.: 1955-1962
Ellis, Mamie Dell: 1928
Ellison, Daisy: 1909
Ely, Anna: 1899
Ely, Margaret: Undated
England, Thomas G.: 1960
Ersley, Minnie D.: 1927
Fairchild, Edith M.: 1899
Faulkner, Kenneth: 1949
Faulker, Russell C.: 1952
Finnell, Joe: 1951
Fisher, Willis W.: 1927
Floyd, Roy: 1955-1959
Forgerson, O.C.: 1927
Frank, J.P.: 1942-1947
Frick, T.A.: 1951
Fulkerson, Fannie: 1899
Fulton, P.C.: 1909
Box 3:
Galbreath, Helen: 1928
Gillam, M.P.: 1927
Goodloe, Ann: 1928
Grant, Dena: 1910
Green, Venice: 1907
Greenwood, Thomas: 1950
Greer, Louise: 1928
Griffin, Richard W.: 1962
Griffin, V. M.: 1907
Hall, Charles: 1907
Hamill, Pearle: 1928
Harper, M. S.: 1907
Harvey, Harold R.: 1927
Hawkins, Don Pyle: 1927
Higgins, Daniel F. & Ethel: 1929-1930
Hodge, Ruby M.: 1955
Hoe, Louisa: 1956-1960
Hornbuger, J. A.: 1899
Hornsbey, Nena: 1910
Howe, Mary Blanche: 1927
Hutchinson, Robert O.: 1930
Hyder, Samuel P.: 1974
James, Jeanne H.: 1949-1959
Johnson, Leroy: 1951
Kilpatrick, Helen: 1928
Knepper, Ida M.: 1927
Kroll, Henry Harrison: 1941-1946
Ladd, Robert L.: 1928
Lanning, Anna Webb: 1901
Lanphere, C. N.: 1927
Lauterbach, Evelyn A.: 1949
Long, Jamie Bronston: 1928
Lotspeich, Jane: 1928
Lotspeich, Jane: 1963
Lovingood, Frances C.: 1947
Lowall, Russell M.: 1927
Lowe, Hattie: 1928
Lowry, Kenneth E.: 1963
Lutz, Louis: 1949-1987
Lyon, Grace: 1927
Box 4:
Moore, Jesse H.: Biographical
Moore, Jesse H.: Marriage Certificate and Family History
Moore, Jesse H.: 1909
Moore, Jesse H.: 1910
Moore, Jesse H.: 1911
Moore, Jesse H.: 1912
Moore, Jesse H.: Observations and Experiences of His Life", 1934-1939
Moore, Jesse H.: Reminiscences Book 1 and 2
Moore, Jesse H.: Reminiscences (Photocopy)
Moore, Jesse H.: "Our Story", 1930
Box 5:
Mackie, Ransom A.: 1927
Manning, E. Theo: 1907-1909
Martin, Jeanette: 1960
Mason, Zane A.: 1959-1972
Matthews, Herman G., 1961-1962
McClendon, B. A.: 1955
McCordock, R.S.: 1937-1946
McKnight, E. B.: 1908
McLain, B. W.: 1909
McInnes, Martha: 1928
McLeod, Katheryn C.: 1928
Medbery, Clinton A.: 1953
Meek, Marie: 1948
Metcalfe, Richard: 1927
Miley, A. Artis: 1929-1935
Miller, Harold E.: 1928
Mills, H.: 1910
Mock, R. H.: 1907
Morse, Stansbury, 1907
Morton, Stella B.: 1907
Moss, Anna M.: 1901
Mote: John H.: 1960
Nelson, N.L.T.: 1928
Nuhrah, Arthur G.: 1964
Nuhrah, Arthur G.: 1965
Nuhrah, Arthur G.: 1966
Nuhrah, Arthur G.: 1967
Nuhrah, Arthur G.: 1968
Nuhrah, Arthur G.: 1969
Nuhrah, Arthur G.: 1970
Nuhrah, Arthur G.: 1971
Ogg, Florence Bell: 1927
Orr, Judy: 1949
Osgatharp, Harland: 1927
Paine, Howard S.: 1908
Palmer, L. C.: 1950
Parker, Charles E.: 1898
Parker, Floyd W.: 1948
Parker, Floyd W.: 1951
Parker, Floyd W.: 1954
Parker, Floyd W.: 1955
Parvin, Viola: 1953
Pasco, T. G.: 1901
Patton, Clara I.: 1910
Pegues, Juliet McKie: 1928
Penz, Eric H.: 1960-1961
Phillips, J. A.: 1907
Price, Elizabeth: 1927
Paul, G. Hurst: 1930-1938
Box 6:
Rabun, Mamie: 1928
Rhodes, Byno R.: 1949-1951
Rice, Sydney W.: 1948-1955
Rockwell, Ruth M.: 1928
Rodgers, Edwina: 1907
Roettinger, Ruth: 1927
Rogers, C. H.: 1928
Roth, Emma: 1898
Rowland, Thomas W.: 1927
Rowlett, Leonard M.: 1962
Rubio, Antonio: 1928
Saine, Lena: 1947-1960
Saine, Virgil: 1949-1951
Samonial, Ann:
Sanford, Bessie: 1928
Sawet, Orlan: 1960-1961
Schemel, Margaret C.: 1945-1948
Schooler, Lucille: 1927
Scoggins, Wilson: 1948-1955
Scott, P.V.: 1928
Sharp, Robert K.: 1953
Sharp, Virginia B.: 1951
Shearer, Lucy D.: 1927
Sherman, R. B.: 1928
Shumate, Mildred: 1960
Smith, Foss: 1936-1947
Smith, Lola Lou: 1927
Smith, Myrtle Ellison: 1948-1959
Soule, Sara M.: 1883-1899
Speer, Elizabeth Clark: 1946-1951
Speer, Klaus: 1946
Spencer, Margaret: 1899-1901
Spencer, Mary B.:
Stevens, Charles M.: 1901-1908
Stevenson, Gladys: 1927
Stiers, Walter F.: 1949
Styles, John: 1935
Suppiger, Joseph E.: 1972
Suppiger, Joseph E.: "Phoenix of the Mountains", 1977-1988
Suppiger, Joseph E.: Materials for 1988 Edition "Phoenix of the Mountains"
Sweet, Addie F.: 1927
Taylor, A. Lloyd: 1927
Taylor, R. H.: 1928
Taylor, William E.: 1951-1958
Thompson, N. C.: 1908
Thompson, Willard C.: 1927
Trainer, Dorothy: 1927
Treat, Luretta L.: 1899
Trogdon, Richard P.: 1955
Box 7:
Vires, Peter S.: 1960
Walden, E. C.: 1908
Walker, M. G.: 1907
Walker, Mae: 1948
Walters, Cleo: 1907
Weaver, J. M.: 1899
Weaver, Sanford: 1927
Webb, Willard: 1927
Wehrenberg, Edward Ludwig: 1927
Wiesler, Donald P.: 1960
Welch, Robert E.: 1953
White, Vernon: 1953
Williams, John I.: 1908
Williams, Nila C.: 1899
Williams, Ruby P.: 1908
Williams, Stanley B.: 1955-1960
Williamson, Blanche M.: 1928
Williams, Harry F.: 1956-1957
Wilson, Earl A.: 1959
Winkelman, B. H.: 1927
Wise, Boyd A.: 1956-1957
Wolfe, Okie: 1966
Wood, Annie B.: 1908
Woodal, Guy R.: 1962
Zeiger, Dorothy: 1947
Ziegler, Robert: 1960
Secondary School Contract: 1899-1900
List of Faculty and Staff: 1902-1919
Faculty Resumes: 1930
Faculty Committees: 1945-1946
Faculty List: 1951
Faculty Loans: 1951
Faculty Committees: 1954-1955
Faculty Housing and Rents: 1958-1959
Faculty Salaries and Teaching Loads: 1959-1962
Faculty Housing and Rents: 1960-1962
Faculty Recruitment: 1961
Faculty Committees: 1962-1963
Faculty Salaries Studies: 1962
Faculty Teaching Load: Undated
Box 8:
Faculty Meeting Minutes: 1964
Faculty Meeting Minutes: 1965
Faculty Meeting Minutes: 1966
Faculty Meeting Minutes: 1967
Meetings: 1946
Meetings: 1949
Meetings: 1950
Meetings: 1951
Meetings: 1952
Meetings: 1953
Meetings: 1954
Meetings: 1955
Meetings: 1956
Meetings: 1957
Meetings: 1976
Meetings: 1999
Meetings: 2003
Meetings: Undated
[Identification of Item], Faculty Papers, Archives and Special Collections, Lincoln Memorial University, TN, USA.
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