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University Archives: Clubs and Organizations

Special Note

This photograph collection is not intended to be an exhaustive list of all images captured from all clubs and organizations during the history of Lincoln Memorial University.  It represents only those images which have been able to be identified and dated.  The collection has been organized in alphabetical order according to the name of each organization and then by year under the name of each group.  Where possible, images have been digitized and included and linked to the digitized content.

The number in parentheses accompanying the name represents how many images can be found in that respective file.

Smith, John (2) means that 2 images are associated with John Smith.

Clubs and Organizations

American Association of University Women

Allegro Club



  • 2002 (16)

Baptist Campus Ministry

  • n.d. (7)

Behavioral Science Club

  • 1980 (1)

Biological Society

Blue and Gray Staff

Business Club

Canterbury Club

Circle K


  • 1947 (1)
  • 1949 (1)
  • 1954 (1)
  • 1955 (1)
  • 1958 (6)
  • 1959 (2)
  • 1975 (3)
  • n.d. ()

Class Officers

  • 1945
  • 1947
  • 1949
    • Juniors (1)
    • Sophomores (1)
    • Freshmen (1)
  • 1951
    • Seniors (1)
    • Sophomores (1)
    • Freshmen (1)
  • 1950
    • Sophomores (1)
    • Freshmen (1)
  • 1953
    • Seniors (1)
    • Juniors (1)
  • 1954
    • Seniors (1)
  • 1955
    • Seniors (1)
    • Sophomores (1)
    • Freshmen (1)
  • 1956
    • Juniors (1)
    • Freshmen (1)
  • 1957
    • Sophomores (1)
    • Freshmen (1)
  • 1958
    • Juniors
    • Sophomores
    • Freshmen
  • 1959
    • Seniors (1)
    • Juniors (1)
    • Sophomores
  • 1968
    • Freshmen (1)

College Co-Eds For Christ

  • 1957 (1)


  • 1954 (3)
  • 1955 (2)
  • 1956 (2)


  • 1955 (4)

Debate Society/Club

  • 1945 (1)
  • 1949 (1)
  • 1950 (1)
  • 1951 (2)
  • 1954 (1)
  • 1955 (2)
  • 1956 (2)
  • 1957 (3)
  • 1958 (3)
  • 1959 (1)
  • 1966 (1)
  • 1967 (1)

Dining Hall Crew

  • 1953 (2)
  • 1954 (1)
  • 1955 (2)
  • 1956 (3)
  • 1957 (2)
  • 1958 (4)

Dramatics / Drama Club

  • 1946 (1)
  • 1947 (1)
  • 1949 (1)
  • 1950 (1)
  • 1953 (1)
  • 1954 (2)
  • 1955 (2)
  • 1956 (2)
  • 1957 (1)
  • 1958 (4)
  • 1959 (1)
  • 1967 (1)

East Dorm Council, 1980 (1)

First Priority

  • n.d. (1)

Folk Dance Club

  • 1950 (1)
  • 1953 (1)
  • 1955 (2)
  • 1956 (3)
  • 1957 (3)
  • 1958 (3)

Food Club

  • 1945 (1)

Food Services

  • 1980 (4)

Foreign Language Club

  • 1949 (1)
  • 1952 (1)
  • 1953 (2)
  • 1954 (1)
  • 1955 (2)
  • 1956 (1)
  • 1957 (1)
  • 1958 (3)

Future Teachers of America

  • 1955 (2)
  • 1956 (2)

Hiking and Outing Club

  • 1980 (2)
  • n.d. (1)

Home Economics Club

  • 1945 (1)
  • 1949 (1)
  • 1950 (1)
  • 1953 (2)
  • 1955 (3)
  • 1956 (3)
  • 1957 (2)
  • 1958 (3)
  • 1959 (2)

Independent Girls Organization

  • 1948 (3)

International Relations Club

  • 1945 (2)
  • 1949 (1)
  • 1950 (1)
  • 1954 (2)

Intramural Council

  • 1953 (1)
  • 1956 

Kiwanis Club of Middlesboro, KY

  • n.d. (2)

L Club

  • 1945 (1)
  • 1953 (1)
  • 1955 (1)
  • 1958 (4)
  • 1971 (1)

La Frentz-Poole House Council

  • 1952 (1)
  • 1953 (1)
  • 1954 (2)
  • 1957 (1)
  • 1958 (4)
  • 1970 (1)
  • n.d. (2)

Library Staff

  • 1955 (1)
  • 1956 (1)
  • 1957 (1)

Lincoln Group, Florida

  • n.d. (2)

Lincoln Summer Scholars

  • 1987 (1)


Majors Club

  • 1953 (2)
  • 1955 (2)
  • 1958 (3)

Music Club

  • 1918 (1)


Norton House Council

  • 1949 (1)
  • 1950 (1) 

Outward Bound

  • 1971 (1)


Pep Band

  • 1955 (1)

Railsplitter Staff

  • 1949 (1)
  • 1951 (1)
  • 1952 (2)
  • 1953 (1)
  • 1954 (3)
  • 1955 (3)
  • 1956 (1)
  • 1957 (4)
  • 1958 (4)
  • 1959 (2)
  • 1970 (1)
  • 1980 (3)


Science Club

  • 1946 (1)
  • 1953 (1)
  • 1958 (3)
  • 1959 (2)

Secretarial Club

  • 1958 

Student Christian Association

  • 1949 (1)
  • 1953 (2)
  • 1954 (3)
  • 1956 (3)
  • 1957 (2)
  • 1958 (3)

Student Leaders

  • 1987 (1)

Student National Education Assoc.

  • 1958 (5)
  • 1975 (1)

​Student Nurses Association

  • 1981 (1)

Sunday School Class

  • 1949 (1)



University Singers

  • 1977 (1)

Veterans Club

  • 1954 (3)
  • 1955 (2)
  • 1958 (4)

Women's Athletic Association

  • 1946 (1)
  • 1952 (1)
  • 1954 (1)
  • 1955 (2)
  • 1956 (2)
  • 1957 (2)
  • 1958 (4)